The Berlinale is happening right now as well — once again I will ask the heavens WHY all the SNL stuff couldn’t have happened in late August?!? Or in March, or April?!? — and we’ve got everyone from Jessica Chastain to SWINTON to Timothee Chalamess. He cleaned up nicely for the BAFTAs, but in his regular life, he’s still… I mean, kinda dressing like a low-key skeeze? Or even a medium-key skeeze. He seems to be having a tremendous amount of FUN, at least. Maybe people are fawning over him less and it’s a welcome respite. Or maybe he wants to do a Breaking Bad sequel where he’s somehow related to Aaron Paul, and this is his version of Inception.

[Photos: Stephane Cardinale/Corbis via Getty Images, Andreas Rentz, Matthias Nareyek/Getty Images, Dominique Charriau, Tristar Media/WireImage]