Reportedly, House of Gucci has wrapped, and we’ll have to wait for the coordinated press leaks to devour more of Lady Gaga and Adam Driver looking soapy-dramatic in Italy. Gaga poked her head out of her Rome hotel to say a seemingly friendly but exhausted farewell, looking a bit like an equestrian who just finished a weekend of grueling events but has one more stall to muck out before she can know true peace. The real question is, will she keep the brown hair for a while — you never do know about reshoots! — or will she go straight back to blonde. Personally, I think she looks super with this color, and bare-faced (as opposed to in full Gaga mode), and I if we were to be in for an extended run of Exhausted Equestrian Gaga Hasn’t Changed Out Of Her Riding Pants Yet But Just Wanted To Say Hi, I’d be here for it.

[Photo: Getty]
Tags: Lady Gaga